Source: CRMClient.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DataTable_1 = require("./DataTable");
var Guid_1 = require("./Guid");
var Fetch_1 = require("./Fetch");
var Messages_1 = require("./Messages");
var CRMDataTypes_1 = require("./CRMDataTypes");
var ImportExportUtil_1 = require("./ImportExportUtil");
var StateUtil_1 = require("./StateUtil");
var MetadataUtil_1 = require("./MetadataUtil");
var path = require("path");
var edge = require("edge");
var debug = require("debug")("dynamicsnode");
var debugQueries = require("debug")("dynamicsnode:queries");
var CRMClient = (function () {
     * Default constructor
     * @classdesc Allow access to CRM functions. Contains the functions to interact with CRM services.
     * @class CRMClient
     * @param {string} connectionString Optional. A valid connection string or connection string name.
     * The connection string can be either a valid connection string or a name of an existing connection string in the file "config.json" at the root path of your application.
     * If no value is passed to the constructor, the "default" text will be assumed, which means that a connection string named "default" will be used.
     * @see {@link} for further information
     * @example <caption>config.json file format</caption>
     * {
     *      "connectionStrings":
     *      {
     *          "default":"AuthType=Office365; Url=; Domain=CONTOSO; Username=jsmith; Password=passcode",
     *          "connection2":"AuthType=AD; Url="
     *      }
     * }
     * @example <caption>Create a connection using a valid Connection String</caption>
     * var crm = new CRMClient("AuthType=Office365; Url=; Domain=CONTOSO; Username=jsmith; Password=passcode");
     * @example <caption>Create a connection using the connection string named "connection2" specified in the config.json file</caption>
     * var crm = new CRMClient("connection2");
     * @example <caption>Create a connection using the connection string named "default" specified in the config.json file</caption>
     * var crm = new CRMClient();
     * @example <caption>Create a connection using the connection string named "default" specified in the config.json file</caption>
     * var crm = new CRMClient("default");
    function CRMClient(connectionString, fakeBridge) {
        if (connectionString === void 0) { connectionString = "default"; }
        if (fakeBridge === void 0) { fakeBridge = false; }
        this.connectionString = connectionString;
        var config = this.tryGetModule(path.join(process.cwd(), "config.json"));
        if (config && config.connectionStrings && config.connectionStrings[connectionString]) {
            this.connectionString = config.connectionStrings[connectionString];
        this._crmBridge = this.getBridge(fakeBridge);
     * Gets the bridge object between node and .net
     * @private
     * @method CRMClient#getBridge
     * @param fakeBridge {boolean} indicates if a fake bridge whants to be retrieved
     * @returns a .net bridge that allows node to interact with .net
    CRMClient.prototype.getBridge = function (fakeBridge) {
        var assemblyFile = path.join(__dirname, "bin/DynamicsNode.dll");
        var refs = [path.join(__dirname, "bin/Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll"),
            path.join(__dirname, "bin/Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.dll"),
            path.join(__dirname, "bin/Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll"),
            path.join(__dirname, "bin/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll")
        var createBridge = edge.func({
            assemblyFile: assemblyFile,
            references: refs
        var bridge = createBridge({ connectionString: this.connectionString, useFake: fakeBridge }, true);
        return bridge;
    CRMClient.prototype.tryGetModule = function (moduleId) {
        var result = null;
        try {
            result = require(moduleId);
        catch (e) { }
        return result;
    CRMClient.prototype.convert = function (propertiesArray) {
        var converted = null;
        if (propertiesArray) {
            converted = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < propertiesArray.length; i++) {
                var propValue = propertiesArray[i];
                if (propValue[1] instanceof Array) {
                    var convertedValues = [];
                    for (var j = 0; i < propValue[1].length; i++) {
                        var arrayItem = propValue[1][j];
                    converted[propValue[0]] = convertedValues;
                else {
                    converted[propValue[0]] = propValue[1];
        return converted;
    * Returns information about the current user. Useful for testing the active connection.
    * @returns a {@link WhoAmIResponse} object with the information about the authenticated user in CRM.
    * @method CRMClient#whoAmI
    * @example <caption>Returns information about the current user</caption>
    * var who = crm.whoAmI();
    * console.log(who.BusinessUnitId); // prints 6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2
    * console.log(who.OrganizationId); // prints 2b476bd1-aaed-43ee-b386-eee0f1b87207
    * console.log(who.UserId); // prints 9ba35c25-b892-4f8a-b124-3920d9873af4
    CRMClient.prototype.whoAmI = function () {
        var request = new Messages_1.WhoAmIRequest();
        var response = this.Execute(request);
        return response;
     * Tests the active connection. Throws an exception if there's any error.
     * The method performs a {@link WhoAmIRequest}.
     * @method CRMClient#testConnection
     * @see CRMClient#whoAmI
    CRMClient.prototype.testConnection = function () {
        try {
            this.whoAmI(); // Performs a who am i request
        catch (e) {
            var error = new Error();
            throw new Error("Error trying to connect to server\n" + JSON.stringify(e));
     * Retrieves one single record from CRM.
     * @method CRMClient#retrieve
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity to be retrieved. The name is case insensitive, so all values are lowercased before being sent to CRM.
     * @param idOrConditions {string|Guid|object} Either a string with the GUID if the record to be retrieved, a {@link Guid} object with the same value, or a conditions object that returns only one record.
     * Learn how to write condition objects: {@link Fetch#setFilter}
     * @param attributes {string|string[]|boolean} Optional. Either an attribute name, an array of attributes, or a true value indicating that all attributes must be retrieved. The default value is true. An ***** value has the same effect
     * @returns A javascript object containing the values of the record. If no data found, then a null object is returned.
     * @example <caption>Return all the columns for the specified account id</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2");
     * console.log(account);
     * @example <caption>Return all the columns for the specified account id</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2","*");
     * console.log(account);
     * @example <caption>Return all the columns for the specified account id</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2",true);
     * console.log(account);
     * @example <caption>You can use the Guid class to specify the id parameter. This allows to perform a GUID format validation before calling the method.</caption>
     * var Guid = require("dynamicsnode").Guid;
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account",new Guid("6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2"));
     * console.log(account);
     * @example <caption>Get the accountid,name,ownerid,createdon columns for the given account id</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2",["accountid","name","ownerid","createdon"]);
     * console.log(account);
     * @example <caption>Get the name of the specified account</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2","name");
     * console.log(;
     * @example <caption>Accessing information about a related record</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2","ownerid");
     * console.log(account.ownerid); // outputs the GUID value
     * console.log(account.ownerid_type); // outputs systemuser
     * console.log(account.ownerid_name); // outputs John Doe
     * @example <caption>Returns an account using a condition object. If there are more than one account named "Acme" then an exception will be thrown</caption>
     * var account = crm.retrieve("account",{name:"Acme"});
     * console.log(;
    CRMClient.prototype.retrieve = function (entityName, idOrConditions, pColumns) {
        var idValue;
        var result;
        var columns;
        if (!entityName)
            throw new Error("Entity name not specified");
        if (!idOrConditions)
            throw new Error("Id or Conditions not specified");
        entityName = entityName.toLocaleLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        // validate columns
        if (pColumns === undefined) {
            columns = true; // default value
        else {
            columns = pColumns;
            if (typeof pColumns == "string") {
                columns = [pColumns];
            if (Array.isArray(columns)) {
                for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
                    columns[i] = columns[i].toLocaleLowerCase(); // normalize casing;
        if (idOrConditions instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            idValue = idOrConditions.getValue();
        else if (typeof idOrConditions === "string" || idOrConditions instanceof String) {
            idValue = idOrConditions;
            if (!Guid_1.Guid.isGuid(idValue))
                throw new Error("Invalid GUID value");
        else if (typeof idOrConditions === "object") {
            // Assume a conditions objet was passed
            // Get the records that meet the specified criteria
            var idField = this.getIdField(entityName);
            var foundRecords = this.retrieveMultiple(entityName, idOrConditions, idField);
            if (foundRecords.rows !== null) {
                if (foundRecords.rows.length > 1)
                    throw new Error("Too many records found matching the specified criteria");
                if (foundRecords.rows.length > 0) {
                    // TODO: Refactor to avoid querying CRM twice
                    idValue = foundRecords.rows[0][idField];
        else {
            throw new Error("invalid idOrConditions type value");
        if (idValue) {
            var params = { entityName: entityName, id: idValue, columns: columns };
            var retrieveResult;
            try {
                retrieveResult = this._crmBridge.Retrieve(params, true);
            catch (ex) {
                var rethrow = false;
                if (ex.Detail && ex.Detail.InnerFault && ex.Detail.InnerFault.Message) {
                    // Record with specified Id doesn't exists
                    var msg = entityName + " With Id = " + idValue.toLowerCase().replace("{", "").replace("}", "") + " Does Not Exist";
                    if (ex.Detail.InnerFault.Message != msg)
                        rethrow = true;
                if (rethrow)
                    throw ex;
            // convert the result to a js object
            if (retrieveResult != null) {
                result = this.convert(retrieveResult);
        return result;
     * Retrieves one or more records of the specified entity that fulfill the specified conditions.
     * @method CRMClient#retrieveMultiple
     * @param entityNameOrFetchXml {string} Name of the entity or Fetch Xml query to specify the records to be retrieved. More info: {@link}
     * @param conditions {object} Optional. In case you don't want to write a FetchXml to specify the records to retrieve, you can use a conditions object to specify the criteria to retrieve records. If you omit this parameter, all the existing records of the specified entity will be retrieved; omitting this parameter is equivalent to write a FetchXml without any filter conditions.
     * Learn how to write condition objects: {@link Fetch#setFilter}
     * @param attributes {string|string[]|boolean} Optional. Either an attribute name, an array of attributes, or a true value indicating that all attributes must be retrieved. The default value is true. An ***** value has the same effect
     * @returns {DataTable} {@link DataTable} object with the records found.
     * @see Build queries with FetchXML: {@link}
     * @example <caption>Retrieves all the records of the account entity. Only the accountid column will be retrieved (the id column is always returned in all Crm queries)</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveMultiple("<fetch><entity name='account'></entity></fetch>");
     * @example <caption>Retrieves all the records of the account entity. Includes also all the columns of the entity.</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveMultiple("account");
     * @example <caption>Retrieves all the records of the account entity where the account name is equals to "contoso". Returns all the columns of the entity.</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveMultiple("account",{name:"contoso"});
     * @example <caption>Retrieves all the records of the account entity where the account name is equals to "contoso", but only the specified columns are included in the query.</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveMultiple("account",{name:"contoso"},["accountid","name","ownerid","createdon"]);
     * @example <caption>Retrieves all the records of the account entity where the account name is equals to "contoso" or "acme". Returns all the columns of the entity.</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveMultiple("account",{name:["contoso","acme"]});
     * */
    CRMClient.prototype.retrieveMultiple = function (entityNameOrFetchXml, conditions, attributes) {
        var result = new Array();
        var fetchXml;
        if (!(conditions || attributes)) {
            // No conditions or attributes were specified, means a FetchXml value is expected.
            // TODO: Improve this. could use a regular expression to distinguish between an xml and an entity name?
            fetchXml = entityNameOrFetchXml;
        else {
            var fetch = new Fetch_1.Fetch(entityNameOrFetchXml);
            if (conditions) {
            if (attributes) {
            fetchXml = fetch.toString();
        var retrieveResult = this._crmBridge.RetrieveMultiple(fetchXml, true);
        for (var i = 0; i < retrieveResult.length; i++) {
            var record = retrieveResult[i];
            var convertedRecod = this.convert(record);
        var dt = new DataTable_1.DataTable(entityNameOrFetchXml, result);
        return dt;
    /** It is a simpified way of retrieving all the existing records of an entity. Is equivalent to call the {@link CRMClient#retrieveMultiple} method not specifying the conditions or attributes method
     * @method CRMClient#retrieveAll
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which records you want to retrieve.
     * @returns {DataTable} {@link DataTable} object with the records found.
     * @example <caption>Retrieve all existing account records</caption>
     * var accounts = crm.retrieveAll("account");
    CRMClient.prototype.retrieveAll = function (entityName) {
        var fetch = new Fetch_1.Fetch(entityName, "*");
        var fetchXml = fetch.toString();
        var result = this.retrieveMultiple(fetchXml);
        return result;
     *  Creates a record in CRM. The names in the entity or attributes are case insensitive, so all the names will be lowercased before
     * send the operation to Crm.
     * @method CRMClient#create
     * @param entityName {string} The name of the entity which record you want to create
     * @param attributes {object} Javascript object with the values the new record will have.
     * @returns {string} GUID of the record created.
     * @example <caption>Create an account named "Contoso"</caption>
     * var accountid = crm.create("account",{name:"contoso",description:"this is a test",AccountCategoryCode:1});
     * console.log(accountid);
     * @example <caption>Create an email with activity parties</caption>
     * var contact1Id = "{6633f95b-c146-45d4-ae99-6bd84f9bf7bc}"
     * var contact2Id = "{6633f95b-c146-45d4-ae99-6bd84f9bf7bc}"
     * var userId = "{6633f95b-c146-45d4-ae99-6bd84f9bf7bc}"
     * var email = {
     *               To : [{id:contact1Id,type:"contact"},{id:contact2Id,type:"contact"}],
     *               From : [{id:userId,type:"systemuser"}],
     *               Subject : "Test Email",
     *               Description : "Test Email",
     *               DirectionCode : true
     *              };
     * var emailId = crm.create("email",email);
     * Creates records in CRM using the rows defined in the DataTable.
     * The id attribute of every created record will be updated with the generated CRM GUID.
     * You need to set the name of the table with the entity name that you want to create.
     * @method CRMClient#create
     * @param data {DataTable} DataTable with the data to be created in CRM.
     * @example <caption>Create a set of accounts using an excel file</caption>
     * var accountsToLoad = DataTable.load("AccountsToLoad.xlsx");
     * crm.create(accountsToLoad);
     * console.log(accountsToLoad.rows[0].accountid); // This will output the GUID of the created record
    CRMClient.prototype.create = function (entityNameOrTable, attributes) {
        var retVal = null;
        if (entityNameOrTable instanceof DataTable_1.DataTable) {
            if ( == null)
                throw new Error("Table name not specified");
            debug("Preparing to create " + entityNameOrTable.rows.length + " records from a DataTable. Entity " + + "...");
            var primaryAttribute = this.getIdField(;
            debug("Primary Attribute:" + primaryAttribute);
            for (var i = 0; i < entityNameOrTable.rows.length; i++) {
                debug(i + " of " + entityNameOrTable.rows.length + "...");
                var row = entityNameOrTable.rows[i];
                var recordId = this.createInternal(, row);
                // update the record id in the table
                row[primaryAttribute] = recordId;
        else {
            if (attributes === undefined)
                throw new Error("The attributes parameter is required");
            debug("Preparing to create a " + entityNameOrTable + " record...");
            retVal = this.createInternal(entityNameOrTable, attributes);
        return retVal;
    CRMClient.prototype.createInternal = function (entityName, attributes) {
        var entity = this.ConvertToEntity(entityName, attributes);
        var createdGuid = this._crmBridge.Create(entity, true);
        return createdGuid;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToEntity = function (entityName, attributes) {
        // perform some validations
        if (!entityName)
            throw new Error("Entity name not specified");
        if (!attributes)
            throw new Error("Attributes not specified");
        entityName = entityName.toLocaleLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        var entityMetadata = this.getEntityMetadata(entityName);
        debug("Converting attributes to CRM Entity type...");
        var entity = new CRMDataTypes_1.Entity();
        entity.LogicalName = entityName;
        entity.Attributes = {};
        for (var prop in attributes) {
            var attributeValue = null;
            // get the attribute from metadata
            var attributeMetadata = MetadataUtil_1.MetadataUtil.getAttributeMetadata(this, entityName, prop.toLocaleLowerCase());
            if (attributeMetadata) {
                if (attributes[prop] !== null) {
                    if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.String] ||
                        attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Memo]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToString(prop, attributes[prop]);
                    else if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.DateTime]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToDate(attributes[prop], attributeMetadata);
                    else if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Lookup] ||
                        attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Customer] ||
                        attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Owner]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToEntityReference(attributes[prop], attributeMetadata);
                    else if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Picklist]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToOptionset(attributes[prop], attributeMetadata);
                    else if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.Boolean]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToBoolean(attributes[prop], attributeMetadata);
                    else if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType == CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode[CRMDataTypes_1.AttributeTypeCode.PartyList]) {
                        attributeValue = this.ConvertToPartyList(attributes[prop], attributeMetadata);
                    else {
                        debug("Attribute '" + prop + "' type '" + attributeMetadata.AttributeType + "' not converted. Using the raw value");
                        attributeValue = attributes[prop];
                // TODO: add the rest of value types
                entity.Attributes[attributeMetadata.LogicalName] = attributeValue;
            else {
                console.log("*** Attribute '" + prop + "' not found in metadata. Skipping...");
        // TODO: Set the Entity Id
        debug("Converted value:");
        return entity;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToString = function (attributeName, attributeValue) {
        var strValue = null;
        if (attributeValue !== null && attributeValue !== undefined) {
            if (typeof attributeValue === "string") {
                strValue = attributeValue;
            else if (attributeValue.toString !== undefined && typeof attributeValue.toString === "function") {
                strValue = attributeValue.toString();
            else {
                throw new Error("Cannot convert attribute '" + attributeName + "' value '" + attributeValue + "' from '" + typeof attributeValue + "' to 'String'");
        return strValue;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToPartyList = function (attributeValue, attributeMetadata) {
        var partyList = [];
        if (attributeValue instanceof Array) {
            for (var i = 0; i < attributeValue.length; i++) {
                var partyItem = attributeValue[i];
                var partyItemRecord = { partyid: partyItem };
                var convertedPartyItem = this.ConvertToEntity("activityparty", partyItemRecord);
        else {
            throw new Error("Cannot convert attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "' value '" + attributeValue + "' from '" + typeof attributeValue + "' to 'ActivityParty'");
        return partyList;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToDate = function (attributeValue, attributeMetadata) {
        var date = null;
        if (attributeValue instanceof Date) {
            date = attributeValue;
        else if (typeof attributeValue == "string") {
            date = new Date(attributeValue);
        if (date === null)
            throw new Error("Cannot convert attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "' value '" + attributeValue + "' from '" + typeof attributeValue + "' to 'Date'");
        return date;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToBoolean = function (attributeValue, attributeMetadata) {
        var boolVal = null;
        if (typeof attributeValue == "boolean") {
            boolVal = attributeValue;
        else if (typeof attributeValue == "number") {
            if (attributeValue == 0) {
                boolVal = false;
            else {
                boolVal = true;
        else if (typeof attributeValue == "string") {
            // Try to find the string as an Optionset Label
            var optionSet = attributeMetadata.OptionSet;
            if (optionSet.TrueOption.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label.toLowerCase() == attributeValue.toLowerCase() ||
                attributeValue.toLowerCase() == "yes") {
                boolVal = true;
            else if (optionSet.FalseOption.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label.toLowerCase() == attributeValue.toLowerCase() ||
                attributeValue.toLowerCase() == "no") {
                boolVal = false;
        if (boolVal == null) {
            throw new Error("Can't convert attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "' value '" + attributeValue + "' from '" + typeof attributeValue + "' to Boolean");
        return boolVal;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToOptionset = function (attributeValue, attributeMetadata) {
        var optionSet = null;
        if (typeof attributeValue == "number") {
            optionSet = new CRMDataTypes_1.OptionSetValue(attributeValue);
        if (typeof attributeValue == "string") {
            // Try to find the string as an Optionset Label
            var optionSetMetadata = attributeMetadata.OptionSet;
            for (var i = 0; i < optionSetMetadata.Options.length; i++) {
                var option = optionSetMetadata.Options[i];
                if (option.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label.toLowerCase() == attributeValue.toLowerCase()) {
                    optionSet = new CRMDataTypes_1.OptionSetValue(option.Value);
        if (optionSet == null) {
            throw new Error("Can't convert attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "' value '" + attributeValue + "' from '" + typeof attributeValue + "' to OptionsetValue");
        return optionSet;
    CRMClient.prototype.ConvertToEntityReference = function (attributeValue, attributeMetadata) {
        var er = null;
        var target = null, id = null;
        if (typeof attributeValue == "string") {
            // TODO: If the value is not a GUID, find the value in the target entity
            if (attributeMetadata.Targets.length > 1)
                throw new Error("Couldn't get a valid target for attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "'. Please specify a valid target using {id:string,type:string}");
            target = attributeMetadata.Targets[0];
            id = attributeValue;
        else if (typeof attributeValue == "object") {
            id =;
            target = attributeValue.type;
        if (!(target && id))
            throw new Error("Couldn't get a valid EntityReference value for attribute '" + attributeMetadata.LogicalName + "'. Please specify a valid target using {id:string,type:string}");
        er = new CRMDataTypes_1.EntityReference(id, target);
        return er;
     * Deletes one on more records in CRM, and returns the number of records affected.
     * @method CRMClient#delete
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which record you want to delete
     * @param idsOrConditions {string|Guid|string[]|object} Can be either a Guid, a string, an array or a conditions object.
     * If it is Guid will delete the record with the specified id.
     * If it is a string, must be a Guid value, and again, will delete the records matching the specified id.
     * If the parameter is an array, each element in it must be either a string or a Guid, and in each case, the records deleted will be the ones specified by these Guids.
     * If it is a condition object, first, all the matching records will be retrieved, and then deleted.
     * Learn how to write condition objects: {@link Fetch#setFilter}
     * @returns {number} Number of records deleted
     * @example <caption>Delete an account with a known Guid</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.delete("account","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2");
     * @example <caption>Delete an account with a known Guid. A validation of the Guid format will be performed before calling to the method.</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.delete("account",new Guid("6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2"));
     * @example <caption>Delete several account records at once</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.delete("account",["6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2","6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2");
     * @example <caption>Delete all existing accounts named "contoso"</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.delete("account",{name:"contoso"});
    CRMClient.prototype.delete = function (entityName, idsOrConditions) {
        var ids;
        var recordsAffected = 0;
        if (!entityName)
            throw new Error("Entity name not specified");
        entityName = entityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        if (idsOrConditions instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            ids = [idsOrConditions.getValue()];
        else if (typeof idsOrConditions == "string") {
            if (!Guid_1.Guid.isGuid(idsOrConditions))
                throw new Error("Invalid GUID value");
            ids = [idsOrConditions];
        else if (Array.isArray(ids)) {
            for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
                var item = ids[i];
                if (!(item instanceof Guid_1.Guid) || Guid_1.Guid.isGuid(item)) {
                    throw new Error("Invalid GUID");
            ids = idsOrConditions;
        else if (typeof idsOrConditions == "object" && !(idsOrConditions instanceof Date)) {
            // Get the records that meet the specified criteria
            var idField = this.getIdField(entityName);
            var foundRecords = this.retrieveMultiple(entityName, idsOrConditions, idField);
            ids = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < foundRecords.rows.length; i++) {
        recordsAffected = this.deleteMultiple(entityName, ids);
        return recordsAffected;
    CRMClient.prototype.deleteMultiple = function (entityName, ids) {
        var recordsAffected = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
            var params = { entityName: entityName, id: ids[i] };
            this._crmBridge.Delete(params, true);
        return recordsAffected;
     * Updates one or more records that meet the specified conditions and returns the number of updated records.
     * @method CRMClient#update
     * @param entityName {string} The name of the entity which record you want to update.
     * @param attributes {object} Javascript object with the values the new record will have.
     * @param conditions {opbject} Optional. Javascript condition object with the filter values that is going to be used to know which records are going to be updated.
     * If you omit this parameter, then you have to provide the record GUID in the attributes parameter.
     * Learn how to write condition objects: {@link Fetch#setFilter}
     * @returns {number} Number of modified records
     * @example <caption>Updates all the accounts which name is contoso, and set the attribute value to "contoso-updated"</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.update("account",{name:"contoso-updated"},{name:"contoso"})
     * @example <caption>In this example, only the account with the specified account id will be updated. If the specified record id exists, then affectedRecords will be equals to 1.</caption>
     * var affectedRecords = crm.update("account",{accountid:"6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2",name:"contoso-updated"})
    CRMClient.prototype.update = function (entityName, attributes, conditions) {
        var updatedRecordsCount = 0;
        if (!entityName)
            throw new Error("Entity name not specified");
        entityName = entityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        debug("Preparing to update a record...");
        // get records GUIDS
        if (conditions != undefined) {
            var idField = this.getIdField(entityName);
            debug("Conditions specified. Trying to find which records that meets conditions to update...");
            var foundRecords = this.retrieveMultiple(entityName, conditions, idField);
            debug(foundRecords.rows.length + " records found");
            for (var i = 0; i < foundRecords.rows.length; i++) {
                debug("updating " + i + " of " + foundRecords.rows.length);
                var foundRecordId = foundRecords.rows[i][idField];
                attributes[idField] = foundRecordId;
                var entity = this.ConvertToEntity(entityName, attributes);
                this._crmBridge.Update(entity, true);
            updatedRecordsCount = foundRecords.rows.length;
        else {
            // the attributes parameter must contain the entity id on it
            var entity = this.ConvertToEntity(entityName, attributes);
            this._crmBridge.Update(entity, true);
            updatedRecordsCount = 1;
        return updatedRecordsCount;
    CRMClient.prototype.getIdField = function (entityName) {
        var idAttr = null;
        var metadata = this.getEntityMetadata(entityName);
        if (metadata) {
            // Find the primary Attribute
            idAttr = metadata.PrimaryIdAttribute;
        if (idAttr == null)
            throw new Error("Primary Attribute not found for entity " + entityName);
        debug("idAttr for entity '" + entityName + "': '" + idAttr + "'");
        // convert it to lowercase
        return idAttr.toLowerCase();
    /** Takes a list of attributes and values, tries to find an existing record with those values in CRM, if it exists,
     * then performs an update, otherwhise it creates it.
     * @method CRMClient#createOrUpdate
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which record you want to update.
     * @param attributes {object} Javascript object with the attributes you want to create or update.
     * @param matchFields {string[]} List of fields in the attributes parameter you want to use to know if the record exists in CRM.
     * The attributes specified in this parameter will be used to perform a {@link CRMClient#retrieve}.
     * @example <caption>Create an account named "contoso". In this case, a retrieve of an account with name="contoso" will be performed.
     * If exists, then the name and description will be updated. If it doesn't exist, then the account will be created with the specified
     * name and description. If theres more than one account with that name, an exception will be thrown</caption>
     * crm.createOrUpdate("account",{name:"contoso", description:"Account Updated"},["name"]);
     * @example <caption>Searches for an account named "contoso" owned by me. If exists, it updates it, otherwhise it creates a new one.</caption>
     * var me = crm.whoAmI().UserId;
     * crm.createOrUpdate("account",{name:"contoso", description:"Account Updated", ownerid:me},["name","ownerid"]);
    CRMClient.prototype.createOrUpdate = function (entityName, attributes, matchFields) {
        this.createUpdate(entityName, attributes, matchFields);
    /** For every record in the specified Table, tries to find out if it does exists, and if doesn't it creates it.
     * @method CRMClient#createIfDoesNotExist
     * @param data {DataTable} DataTable with the entity name and the records to create in CRM.
     * @param matchFields {string[]} List of fields in the attributes parameter you want to use to know if the record exists in CRM.
     * The attributes specified in this parameter will be used to perform a {@link CRMClient#retrieve}.
     * @example <caption>Loads a list of accounts from an Excel file and creates only the ones that don't exist already in CRM.
     * It uses the email address to know if the account exists or not.</caption>
     * var accountsToLoad = DataTable.load("AccountsToLoad.xlsx");
     * crm.createIfDoesNotExist(accountsToLoad,["emailaddress1"]);
    /** Takes a list of attributes and values, tries to find an existing record with those values in CRM, and if doesn't exists it creates it.
     * @method CRMClient#createIfDoesNotExist
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which record you want to create.
     * @param attributes {object} Javascript object with the attributes you want to create.
     * @param matchFields {string[]} List of fields in the attributes parameter you want to use to know if the record exists in CRM.
     * The attributes specified in this parameter will be used to perform a {@link CRMClient#retrieve}.
     * @example <caption>Create an account named "contoso" only if it doesn't exist one already with the specified email.
     * If theres more than one account with that email, an exception will be thrown</caption>
     * crm.createIfDoesNotExist("account",{name:"contoso", description:"New Account Created", emailaddress1:""},["emailaddress1"]);
     * @example <caption>Searches for an account named "contoso" owned by me. If it doesn't exist, it creates it.</caption>
     * var me = crm.whoAmI().UserId;
     * crm.createIfDoesNotExist("account",{name:"contoso", description:"Account Updated", ownerid:me},["name","ownerid"]);
    CRMClient.prototype.createIfDoesNotExist = function (entityNameOrDataTable, attributesOrMatchfields, matchFields) {
        if (entityNameOrDataTable instanceof DataTable_1.DataTable) {
            var data = entityNameOrDataTable;
            if (data === undefined || data === null)
                throw new Error("DataTable not specified");
            if ( === undefined || === null)
                throw new Error("DataTable name not specified");
            if (!Array.isArray(attributesOrMatchfields))
                throw new Error("Wrong data type for the matchFields parameter");
            var matchFields = attributesOrMatchfields;
            debug("About to create if does not exits " + data.rows.length + " records from a DataTable...");
            for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
                debug(i + " of " + data.rows.length + "...");
                this.createUpdate(, data.rows[i], matchFields, false);
        else {
            if (matchFields === undefined || matchFields === null)
                throw new Error("matchFields not specified");
            this.createUpdate(entityNameOrDataTable, attributesOrMatchfields, matchFields, false);
    CRMClient.prototype.createUpdate = function (entityName, attributes, matchFields, update) {
        if (update === void 0) { update = true; }
        var idField = this.getIdField(entityName);
        var conditions = {};
        debug("About to create or update a record...");
        for (var i = 0; i < matchFields.length; i++) {
            var matchField = matchFields[i];
            debug("Preparing query to know if the record exists...");
            var attr = MetadataUtil_1.MetadataUtil.getAttributeMetadata(this, entityName, matchField);
            if (attr === null)
                throw new Error("Attribute '" + matchField + "' not found in entity " + entityName);
            if (attributes[matchField] !== undefined && attributes[matchField] !== null) {
                conditions[attr.LogicalName] = attributes[matchField];
        // check if the record exists
        var foundRecords = this.retrieveMultiple(entityName, conditions, idField);
        if (foundRecords && foundRecords.rows.length > 0) {
            debug(foundRecords.rows.length + " '" + entityName + "' records found");
            if (update) {
                if (foundRecords.rows.length > 1)
                    throw new Error("Too many records found");
                var foundRecord = foundRecords.rows[0];
                attributes[idField] = foundRecord[idField];
                this.update(entityName, attributes);
        else {
            debug("The record doesn't exists. Create it");
            this.create(entityName, attributes);
    /** */
    CRMClient.prototype.associateData = function (data) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
            var row = data.rows[i];
            this.associate(row.from.type, row.from.value,,,;
    CRMClient.prototype.associate = function (fromEntityName, fromEntityId, relationshipName, toEntityName, toEntityId) {
        // perform some validations
        if (!fromEntityName)
            throw new Error("From entity name not specified");
        fromEntityName = fromEntityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        if (!toEntityName)
            throw new Error("To entity name not specified");
        toEntityName = toEntityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        if (!fromEntityId)
            throw new Error("fromEntityId not specified");
        if (!toEntityId)
            throw new Error("toEntityId not specified");
        var fromId, toId;
        if (fromEntityId instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            fromId = fromEntityId.getValue();
        else {
            fromId = fromEntityId;
        if (toEntityId instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            toId = toEntityId.getValue();
        else {
            toId = toEntityId;
        var params = { entityName: fromEntityName, entityId: fromId, relationship: relationshipName, relatedEntities: [{ entityName: toEntityName, entityId: toId }] };
        this._crmBridge.Associate(params, true);
    CRMClient.prototype.disassociateData = function (data) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
            var row = data.rows[i];
            this.disassociate(row.from.type, row.from.value,,,;
    CRMClient.prototype.disassociate = function (fromEntityName, fromEntityId, relationshipName, toEntityName, toEntityId) {
        // perform some validations
        if (!fromEntityName)
            throw new Error("From entity name not specified");
        fromEntityName = fromEntityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        if (!toEntityName)
            throw new Error("To entity name not specified");
        toEntityName = toEntityName.toLowerCase(); // normalize casing
        if (!fromEntityId)
            throw new Error("fromEntityId not specified");
        if (!toEntityId)
            throw new Error("toEntityId not specified");
        var fromId, toId;
        if (fromEntityId instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            fromId = fromEntityId.getValue();
        else {
            fromId = fromEntityId;
        if (toEntityId instanceof Guid_1.Guid) {
            toId = toEntityId.getValue();
        else {
            toId = toEntityId;
        var params = { entityName: fromEntityName, entityId: fromId, relationship: relationshipName, relatedEntities: [{ entityName: toEntityName, entityId: toId }] };
        this._crmBridge.Disassociate(params, true);
    /** Gets metadata information for a particular CRM Entity.
     * @method CRMClient#getEntityMetadata
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which metadata information you want to get
     * @example <caption>Retrieve metadata information of the account entity</caption>
     * var metadata = crm.getEntityMetadata("account");
    CRMClient.prototype.getEntityMetadata = function (entityName) {
        return MetadataUtil_1.MetadataUtil.getEntityMetadata(this, entityName);
    CRMClient.prototype.Execute = function (request) {
        var response = this._crmBridge.Execute(request, true);
        return response;
    CRMClient.prototype.assign = function (targetId, targetType, assigneeId, assigneeType) {
        // set the default value
        if (assigneeType === undefined)
            assigneeType = "systemuser";
        var request = new Messages_1.AssignRequest();
        request.Assignee = new CRMDataTypes_1.EntityReference(assigneeId.toString(), assigneeType);
        request.Target = new CRMDataTypes_1.EntityReference(targetId.toString(), targetType);
        var response = this.Execute(request);
    CRMClient.prototype.export = function (entityName, fileName) {
        ImportExportUtil_1.ImportExportUtil.export(this, entityName, fileName);
    CRMClient.prototype.import = function (fileName) {
        ImportExportUtil_1.ImportExportUtil.import(this, fileName);
    /** Sets the state and status of a record.
     * @method CRMClient#setState
     * @param entityName {string} Name of the entity which state or status you want to set
     * @param entityId {Guid|string} GUID of the record which state or status you want to set
     * @param state {number|string} Name or Value of the State you want to set
     * @param status {number|string} Name or Value of the Status you want to set
     * @example <caption>Set the state of a task to Completed (1) and the Status to Completed (5)</caption>
     * crm.setState('task','6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2',1,5);
     * @example <caption>Set the state of a task using the text values</caption>
     * crm.setState('task','6fefeb79-5447-e511-a5db-0050568a69e2','Completed','Completed');
     * */
    CRMClient.prototype.setState = function (entityName, entityId, state, status) {
        StateUtil_1.StateUtil.setState(this, entityName, entityId, state, status);
    return CRMClient;
exports.CRMClient = CRMClient;