Source: DataTable.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DataTableSerializer_1 = require("./DataTableSerializer");
var debug = require('debug')('dynamicsnode');
var DataTable = (function () {
    /** Default constructor
     * @class DataTable
     * @classdesc Represents a DataTable object. Contains methods to save and load the row values from a file.
    function DataTable(name, rows) { = name;
        this.rows = [];
        if (rows !== undefined) {
            this.rows = rows;
     * Callback that receives a row of a data table and returns a value for a column
     * @callback DataTable~lookupCallback
     * @param {object} row Object containing the values of a row
     * @return {object} The value to apply to a specific column of that particular row
    /** Method to convert all the existing values in a column.
     * Iterates through all the existing rows, and for every value in the specified column calls to the specified callback method.
     * Then, the returning value will be applied to the column.
     * The idea behind this functionality is that you can resolve the lookup data that you may have in a DataTable, before sending
     * those values to CRM.
     * For example, you may want to load a list of contacts, and you want to associate your contacts to existing parent accounts.
     * What you can do, is use the phone number on the contact to try to find the parent account of the contact.
     * @param {string} columnName Name of the column which values are going to be updated
     * @param {DataTable~lookupCallback} updater Function that will process every record in the Table.
     * @method DataTable#lookup
     * @example <caption>Lookup using simple values</caption>
     *  var dt = new DataTable();
     *  dt.rows.push({val1:1,val2:2},
     *               {val1:2,val2:2});
     *  dt.lookup('val1',row=>++row.val1);
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val1); // prints out 2
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val1); // prints out 3
     * @example <caption>Find the parent account of a contact using the phone number</caption>
     *  // create a contact using a data table and associate to the create account using the phone number
     *  var dtContacts = DataTable.load("MyContactsToLoad.json");
     *  // resolve the parentcustomerid field
     *  dtContacts.lookup("parentcustomerid",row=>{ return {id:crm.retrieve("account",{telephone1:row.telephone1}).accountid,type:"account"}});
     *  // create the record
     *  crm.create(dtContacts);
    DataTable.prototype.lookup = function (columnName, updater, useCache) {
        if (useCache === void 0) { useCache = true; }
        var cache = {}; // Temporary cache 
        debug("Resolving lookups for columm '" + columnName + "'. " + (useCache ? "Using Cache" : "") + "...");
        for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
            debug(i + " of " + this.rows.length);
            var currentRow = this.rows[i];
            var lookupValue = currentRow[columnName];
            var resolvedValue = null;
            if (useCache && lookupValue !== undefined && lookupValue !== null && cache[lookupValue] !== undefined) {
                debug("Resolved Lookup '" + columnName + "' value '" + lookupValue + "' using cache");
                resolvedValue = cache[lookupValue];
                debug("resolved value: '" + resolvedValue + "'");
            else {
                resolvedValue = updater(currentRow);
                if (useCache && lookupValue !== undefined && lookupValue !== null) {
                    // add the resolved value to the cache
                    cache[lookupValue] = resolvedValue;
            if (resolvedValue === undefined) {
                if (currentRow[columnName] !== undefined) {
                    delete currentRow[columnName];
            else {
                currentRow[columnName] = resolvedValue;
    /** Removes a column from the Table
     * @method DataTable#removeColumn
     * @param columnName {string} Name of the column to remove
     * @example <caption>Remove an existing column</caption>
     *  var dt = new DataTable();
     *  dt.rows.push({val1:1,val2:2},
     *               {val1:2,val2:2});
     *  dt.removeColumn('val1');
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val1); // prints undefined
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val1); // prints undefined
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val2); // prints 2
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val2); // prints 2
    DataTable.prototype.removeColumn = function (columnName) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
            delete this.rows[i][columnName];
    /** Renames an existing column in the Table
     * @method DataTable#rename
     * @param columnName {string} Name of the existing column to rename
     * @param newName {string} New Name to apply to the column
     * @example <caption>Rename an existing column</caption>
     *  var dt = new DataTable();
     *  dt.rows.push({val1:1,val2:2},
     *               {val1:2,val2:2});
     *  dt.renameColumn('val1','val3');
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val1); // prints undefined
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val1); // prints undefined
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val2); // prints 2
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val2); // prints 2
     *  console.log(dt.rows[0].val3); // prints 1
     *  console.log(dt.rows[1].val3); // prints 2
    DataTable.prototype.renameColumn = function (columnName, newName) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) {
            if (this.rows[i][columnName] !== undefined) {
                this.rows[i][newName] = this.rows[i][columnName];
                delete this.rows[i][columnName];
    /** Saves the specified datatable object to the specified file.
     * The format of the file depends on the extension provided.
     * The supported formats are json, xml and xlsx.
     * @method DataTable#save
     * @param {dataTable} DataTable Table to save to the specified file.
     * @param {fileName} string File path where to save the DataTable object. The path is relative to process.cwd()
     * @example <caption>Saves the datatable to a .json file</caption>
     * var dt = new DataTable();
    */ = function (fileName) {, fileName);
     * Loads the {@link DataTable} object from the specified file.
     * @memberof DataTable
     * @static
     * @param {fileName} string File path where to save the DataTable object. The path is relative to process.cwd()
     * @example <caption>Loads the table from an xlsx file</caption>
     * var dt = DataTable.load('mydata.xlsx');
    DataTable.load = function (fileName) {
        return DataTableSerializer_1.DataTableSerializer.load(fileName);
    return DataTable;
exports.DataTable = DataTable;